Siberia, Russia //
A sacred lake, nature reserves and a Jewish cemetery in Eretz Gezira

When you think of Siberia, frozen tundra steppes, howling wolves and gulags immediately come to mind. Siberia, as it was burned into our consciousness and also left a scar in Russian history, is a land of excision, a place from which they never returned.
But this huge landmass is not made of one piece. We sailed in (converted) gunships onLake Baikal, which the ancient peoples of Siberia consecrated from the beginning of Dana, we plunged into dim taiga forests and white oak trees, tall and upright like the beautiful Russian girls, we were exposed to a renaissance of religious rituals, from Pre-Boslav to Buddhist, we discovered a Jewish cemetery, we stayed in peasant houses and bathed in a bath.
More than anything, it was a mental journey to a place we knew from the stories, and didn't really know.
© Galia Guttman 2014